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Plumbing Tips For Ontario Cottagers

Plumbing Tips For Ontario Cottagers


If you’re a resident of Ontario who can’t wait to open your cottage in the Muskoka region this summer, there are a few things you should know.

Read on to learn more about our cottage plumbing services and tips:

Avoiding Costly Plumbing Problems

The best way to manage your cottage plumbing systems is to proactively prevent issues and to ensure that you have access to proper repair care if something does go wrong. It is therefore critical that cottagers call an experienced and qualified plumber who can help ensure that small problems don’t become a huge cost.

Indoor and outdoor repairs are important. And while it is possible to have emergency repairs made to exterior plumbing during winter, it’s always a smart idea to have maintenance plumbing performed in the summer – while you’re around.

Professional cottage plumbers can also ensure that routine maintenance and inspections are enough to protect your heating and other plumbing systems. These plumbers can also maintain your air conditioning and gas as well!

Cottage Heating & Air Conditioning

While you may not need your HVAC or air conditioning units during the winter months, you should test that they’re ready for summer – to ensure that the cold weather hasn’t caused any problems.

For example, after being frozen for many months, the warming of pipes can signal that some issues have occurred – such as pipe bursts.

Regular Maintenance for Cottages

Muskoka cottage plumbing companies can perform contracted maintenance work every year, at the same time of year – to make sure that everything continues to work as it should. This enables your trusted plumbers to identify potential problems early and to fix any problems that might have only surfaced during the final throes of winter.

However, it’s important to note that while maintenance work will help ensure that your cottage plumbing remains in good condition, no amount of preparation and maintenance can prevent physical damage or simple wear and tear.

The Value of Plumbing Warranties

Hiring reputable plumbers in Muskoka cottage country means that you can also enjoy the benefits of ongoing warranties. If anything goes wrong with the equipment that is installed, or if the plumbing company’s work is found to have been incomplete, then you will be able to have replacement parts, replacement pipes, or additional work carried out – to ensure that everything is in full working order.

The value of a good warranty cannot be stressed enough, but it is equally important that the company responsible for the warranty are reliable and will respond to your requests quickly and with compassion.

Call Harris Plumbing Today!

We understand the specific needs of cottage plumbing systems, and we work hard so that you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your summer property. 

We service areas within BarrieOrilliaMuskokaHuntsvilleAuroraNewmarket, and beyond. For more information, please visit our Cottage Service page or contact us today.


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