Pointers from Plumbers on How to Prevent or Address Busted Pipes

Out of all the issues plumbers are called out for, burst pipes are probably the most common. There are many different reasons that lead to a pipe bursting, but the most frequent is that people don’t winterize their plumbing or their pipes are simply inadequate for the conditions in winter. Aside from that, pipes also burst due to age, misuse, or damage building up over time.

Plumber says okay
Wherever there’s a fault in your plumbing, the effects of water pressure will gradually eat away at weaknesses and may eventually cause a busted pipe. Depending on where the leak is, a burst pipe can cause massive amounts of damage to a house, forcing people to relocate while they wait for plumbers and, in the very worst of cases, to close down an entire street for days on end. To save yourself from one or more of these upsets, here are a few pointers to prevent or, if necessary, act upon a burst pipe.

Stop Cock Location
As with most areas of your home, the best course of action to avoid damage to your plumbing is taking preventative measures. First of all, make sure you know where your stop cock is and how to use it. A stop cock is, more or less, a kill switch for all the plumbing in your home, and can save you many hours of unnecessary stress if and when you have an issue with your plumbing.

Plumbing Insulation
Another good precaution is to fit all of your outside plumbing, including overflow and drain pipes, with the proper insulation. Lagging or insulation foam are the best materials for this job; just make sure that you cover all the joints and bends in your piping. This applies not only to pipes on the outside of your house, but in any unheated areas, such as the attic or basement.

Water Tank Insulation
Another part of the home that could often do with insulation is the cold water tank. Many home owners unfortunately forget to insulate their water tanks, which is now one of the leading causes of burst pipes. General precautions to keep your whole house warm can also be a great preventative measure against burst pipes. Whenever the weather’s going through a particularly cold spell, make sure your central heating is on at least 12 degrees Centigrade. Though a lot of people neglect to do this, it can be great for keeping your pipes from bursting.

Plumbers in Richmond Hill, such as Harris Plumbing Inc., can help winterize your plumbing system and respond immediately to burst pipes and other problems. Make sure you have their contact numbers handy.